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November 22, 2005


Ed Brenegar

I totally agree that application is the great need today. The great performance gap is between the thinking and doing. Between having a vision and living it out in concrete terms. I have come to the conclusion that the decisive point between knowing an idea and putting that idea into practice is personal initiative. It is the exercise of the will to act on the ideas that we value that elevates leadership to a higher performance level. You are right we know plenty of ideas. To become people who act on our ideas is to also elevate the character of our lives, giving us greater authenticity in our relationships. I'm glad that you are writing on this topic because it is very much needed. Thank you.

Bryan Robinson

Great Post. I liked Reagan's article on trust. The success of my business (like most) depends on trust. I think his breakdown of trust is accurate, although I would put more weight on the intimacy variable. I guess I tend to side with the old saying "people don't care how much you know, they want to know how much you care." Just my opinion. I'm sure that trust is a dynamic entity that is different for everyone.

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